Чому двогвинтові насоси HYGHSPIN – оптимальний вибір для сучасної промисловості

У таких галузях, як харчова промисловість, виробництво напоїв і фармацевтика, ключову роль відіграє використання гігієнічного, надійного та ефективного обладнання. Двогвинтові насоси HYGHSPIN від Jung Process Systems задають нові стандарти, поєднуючи сучасні технології з винятковою універсальністю. Завдяки своїй конструкції вони забезпечують високу продуктивність навіть у найскладніших умовах. Що таке двогвинтові насоси? Двогвинтові насоси – це спеціалізовані […]
The tasks solved by pneumatic diaphragm pumps

Viscous, aggressive, flammable, abrasive and vibration-sensitive liquids can be pumped with explosion-proof pneumatic diaphragm pumps. Other pumping equipment is not always able to cope with such tasks and is more expensive. This is due to both the principle of suction and the characteristics of this mechanism, including the risk of sparks and the sensitivity of construction materials to chemically active substances, [...]
Centrifugal pump from Packo Pumps

What production is complete without pumping equipment, and even more so when it comes to centrifugal pumps. This is one of the most common types, which is used in chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food production and many other industries. In this article, we will tell you more about Packo Pumps (Belgium), a Belgian manufacturer of pumping equipment that is firmly at the forefront. History, model range [...]
Features of screw pumps

What is the special feature of screw pumps? What liquids are they used for? What is the principle of operation? Where is this type of pump used? Today, we will pay special attention to screw pumps. The robust construction, modular design and advanced configuration of these pumps increase process flexibility and operational reliability. Screw pumps are used for pumping viscous liquids. They are efficient and provide high pressure. In this article, we will discuss the [...]
Steiner is an expert in the world of pumps

In this article, we are going to talk about Sydex screw pumps, one of the best known and most widely used pump groups in the dairy industry. This short overview may make it easier for you to make a choice when it comes to solving your dairy pumping problem. Furthermore, the specialists at Steiner-Ukraine will be happy to advise you and select the right unit for your pumping problem. Quality above all else [...]
Centrifugal pumps - the most advanced industrial pumps in the pharmaceutical industry

Today, the pharmaceutical industry is going through a period of significant change. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of new vaccines and medicines in record time. We had to admit that it is unlikely to be possible to quickly develop and launch new drugs using old equipment. And the pharmaceutical industry is considered to be lagging behind in terms of innovation. Technologies have hardly changed for decades. In fact, pills [...]
How to choose a pump without investing too much?

Top 8 life hacks from Steiner-Ukraine. Everyone probably knows that industrial pumps have been an indispensable piece of equipment at enterprises for centuries. Nowadays, pumps are used in all industries without exception. They all come in different, sometimes completely unexpected, sizes. What do pumps do at enterprises? They pump various liquids: water, alkaline and acid solutions, dose chemicals, viscous and [...]
Viscosity of liquids

"We have a viscous liquid, which means a volumetric pump: screw, gear, peristaltic, diaphragm... Everything is obvious here, we have a pump, we have its characteristics, and we can confidently choose the right unit," the customer replied without hesitation. This is not a new topic, but since the same questions arise every time, let's look at it in more detail. To begin with, it is necessary to understand what viscosity is and what [...]
Klaus Union pumps - innovations for your safety

Boulton industrial centrifugal pumps